Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why would God create people He knows would go to hell?

I addressed this question in an earlier comment. The fundamental issue for most people is the “risk.” They say, “Okay, I know God doesn’t make people go to heaven or hell, for He won’t take their freedom. However, why would He even take the risk of creating all of this, knowing that some would choose hell?”

One may also ask why parents choose to have children knowing that the child very well may be a “devil” through the child’s own free decisions. Knowing that the chances of the child being corrupt in this morally decadent world are greater than the child choosing to obey, we still choose to have children. Even if we were 90% sure that they would do well and wouldn’t be a devil to society, why take that 10% risk? As I suggested, it’s almost if we want to see our own reflection or image – a product of our love. We are willing to take the risk if we know that there is a possibility the child will love. We must remember that one good outweighs infinite evils. We can see this demonstrated by the fact that the righteousness of One has covered the immorality of all living beings. Although we could never be as objective as God, nor value good the way that He does, most of us would choose to have a child that we knew would be miserable and lonely if we know the grandchild that is born from them would find the cure to aids or cancer.


BigTex71 said...

"One may also ask why parents choose to have children knowing that the child very well may be a “devil” through the child’s own free decisions."

But one could also reason that the above analogy is nowhere NEAR the implications of the original question. We are not knowingly creating babies to send them to a place of eternal torture. If I knew that my son and/or daughter would be sent to hell and tortured for all of eternity, I would not have had children in the first place. To say hell is cruel and unusual punishment is the understatement of eternity.

Jason said...

Again, if someone goes to hell, it is because they choose to go there. Why do we creat prisons? Where is our mercy for the repentant rapists and murderers? God created choice. We are the ones who choose it. Why did God make choice? Probably for the same reason that you wouldn't take away a loved one's choice to love you.

Again, can't someone just as well say that your lack of knowledge about your child's destiny be reckless? What if the child has some sort of deformity? How on earth could you possibly even take such a risk?

BigTex71 said...

So you are comparing eternal damnation and torture to a place where people are put in a small cell, get 3 hot meals a day, go to college for free, and are then let back into society (in many cases)?!

I am sorry, but this is getting more ridiculous the more you post. :)

Jason said...

No - what I'm saying is that the underlying assumption is the same - our actions have consequences and require justice. Please remember what I said regarding how we will never understand the severity of sin in God's eyes. We only get a glimpse of it as we see what He was willing to do to to reconcile us to Himself - The Cross.

BigTex71 said...

So what happened to forgiveness?

Jason said...


This is a great question that I want to address in a post. I will elaborate on this because I believe I would do an injustice by discussing the forgiveness of God in some short comment. Like all human gifts as well, we can only have His gift of mercy and grace if we choose to accept/receive it.