Sunday, March 11, 2007

Why create a place like earth?

Once again, there is no reason I can give that can be verified by testing or reasoning. I believe God saw it as good. One might just as well ask why God made millions of stars and galaxies.


Jason said...

If you are saying "exactly," to the fact that I don't have the mind of God, I could have told you that a long time ago.

BigTex71 said...

I'm sorry if that sounded like an attack. I should have quoted what I was agreeing with.

"One might just as well ask why God made millions of stars and galaxies."

So why did God make millions (or billions if you will) of stars and galaxies? Do they have any life on them also? I believe there is a possibility. If so, would that make the Bible obsolete? The Christian Fundamentalists think so (from what I have gathered) and are afraid of finding intelligent life (other than God) in the universe.

Jason said...

Regarding questions of why God made billions of stars - it may be to show a beautiful design, so intricate, so unique, that one should be shocked if someone didn't attribute it to an Intelligent Designer. As i mentioned before, I have no problem believing in the possiblity of intelligent life outside our world. Isn't it interesting how you don't mind believing in intelligent life outside of our world, so long as that Intelligence isn't God?

BigTex71 said...

"Isn't it interesting how you don't mind believing in intelligent life outside of our world, so long as that Intelligence isn't God?"

I don't mind believing in God. I HOPE we find verifiable proof of a God. I am not close-minded to the POSSIBILITY of God. I just have no self-verified proof.

Jason said...

You probably have no self-verified proof that God isn't the cause of all things - yet you believe that. You don't have any verified proof that a bat and a whale share the same ancestor - yet you believe that. What preceded the Big Bang is said to have been a "singularity" - the point at which the laws of physics break down. Aren't a good portion of your beliefs unverifiable?

BigTex71 said...

"You probably have no self-verified proof that God isn't the cause of all things - yet you believe that."

I am an atheist. the burden of proof is on you, not on me. If I want someone to prove to me that A+B=C, I don't want them to prove to me that EVERY possible thing beside A and B does not equal C.

Jason said...

I'm sorry my friend, that doesn't work. If you decided to say nothing in the midst of "lack of evidence" I may agree. But the truth is, atheists are MAKING CLAIMS in the midst of lack of evidence - for example,

"Though there is no evidence that a bat and a whale have the same ancestor - I believe it!" Therefore, you ASSERT evolution. Isn't it only reasonable that we ask you for an explanation on things you assert?

BigTex71 said...

""Though there is no evidence that a bat and a whale have the same ancestor - I believe it!" Therefore, you ASSERT evolution. Isn't it only reasonable that we ask you for an explanation on things you assert?"

I don't recall ever saying that. Are you now lumping me in with a group you call "atheists"? Are you stereotyping me? ;)

Jason said...

I'm sorry Bigtex - I didn't know you were agnostic. Or, is that an assmption as well? How about you just tell me what you are?=) Oh, and I will take your advice and provide more information about myself.

BigTex71 said...

I actually consider myself to be an agnostic, though I can see why you would have me as an atheist. I do say I am atheist sometimes, but only because I think of Atheism as a general term. Then I would consider agnostic to be a subset of the Atheism moniker. Sorry to have led you down the wrong path- and I do see how that would be confusing.

My stereotyping comment was just kidding around. :)

I would LOVE there to actually be a God, Heaven, and all that- or at least SOMETHING 'good' after our life here on earth is gone. But there is just no satisfactory proof that I have found so far.

I need to get ready for work. I look forward to more 'banter' in the future. :)