Friday, March 9, 2007

The Way, the Truth, and the Slave-Driving Misogynist?

The following posts will be in response to a comment that suggests that God advocated slavery and misogyny. I have decided to break it up for the sake of readability.

Our friend wrote:

“I still think it is murder, though. Think of all the innocent people put to death because either they were brought up in the way they were, or never heard of the Adam and Eve story and others because there was no bible back then. It sounds as though we were on our own with no literature of God(since I am sure most could not read or write anyway.) I believe our morals as a whole have increased since the days of the Old Testament, and New Testament. We as a people keep learning and educating ourselves. This brings about new morals. The Old Testamnet talked of treating women badly and having slaves, etc. Why didn't God say back then that it was wrong to treat others in that way. Shouldn't it have reiterated the fact to treat others (even women or slaves) as you would want to be treated? I am sure there are many, many other instancess similar to this in the Old Testament.So doea God REALLY want us to treat women like that? Does he REALLY want us to have slaves? I think not! Or I guess I am seriously whacked in the head and feel I am therefore a superior being than God. Wait... I am being stuck down as I type...NOT!”

I will address what I find to be quesitonable in your comment after the discussion of inspiration and God's ethic. What appears to be beneath the surface of the first few statements is not so much a question of “God’s morale” as much as it is the question of "What happens to those who never hear the Gospel?" This is a very important question that I would be glad to address if anyone is interested. Until then, let’s move on.


BigTex71 said...

Thanks for your interesting discussions. Here are more questions for you (though I do have an idea what your answers may be.)

Why did God not create all people in Heaven? Why create a place like earth? Why would God create people that he knows will be sent to hell? If there is a Satan, why would God willingly send him so many people he created on earth?

BigTex71 said...

Also, could you complete your profile so we can get to know you better. I respect your opinions and interpretations of the Bible, and it would be nice to get a better idea of who you are.

Anonymous said...

Erm... I thought there is a discussion here? What am I mising?