Sunday, March 11, 2007


Was the moral law part of the debris from an explosion?


Anonymous said...

well that makes as much sense as God writing it on human hearts now doesn't it??


Jason said...

Well, I actually believe in a moral law. I believe in an absolute good, otherwise how can I objectively say that what someone like Hitler did was wrong? Therefore, I have an origin for morality. Since the atheist is a naturalist, what is the atheist's source of morality, and how in any way can they be an absolute measure for behavior (like for Hitler)? If you don't think you need morality, see my response to your comment in 10 Questions for the Atheist. I have to run right now, but will be back in a few hours. I look forward to your response.

Anonymous said...

I believe in morals as well. :)

Why do we have to be objective when we say Hitler was an evil bastard? His actions resulted in innocent people dying and freedom oppressed. Hating him (and his actions) seem purely subjective to me.

I honestly don't need a God to tell me certain things are simply wrong.

Having said that, I don't know if I were born in the bible's times weather I would have had moral objections to owning slaves. There certainly was nobody very vocally against it in the bible at all!

Yet today we consider slavery an abomination.
Do you disagree with this?

(see you later then - have a nice day)