Sunday, March 11, 2007


If it was the result of an explosion apart from Intelligence, how is it being imposed upon evolving creatures?


Anonymous said...

Because you went wrong with your first assertion none of the rest will make sense.

Evolution does explain how creatures living together and helping each other has an easier time to survive, than loners. This is common sense.

Jason said...

After reading my response to your comment in the first question, please know that it really is against "common sense."


"Evolution does explain how creatures living together and helping each other has an esaier time to survive..." - but what chances are there in survival when someone lays down their life for another? Isn't that the evolutionary-blunder? Why care about the fact that someone else will continue to live, even though you will not? By answering, "because it helps us survive" is inadeqate" - because if that is our focus, self-sacrifice is counterproductive.

Anonymous said...

if one person dies saving many then surely that promotes survival on a species level

so the idea of saving others came to be - at the risk of own injury or life

while the case of a human lying down his life for his comrades, survival as trait might not have been immediatly obvious. but the seed were sowed. The hunter being attacked by a predator today being helped by a fellow hunter would lend assitance tomorrow and teach his children about it as well

The original trait has been rewarded with survival after all.

please note that these are my own views and that I am not any kind of expert on evolution or science. if you are serious about these questions I am pretty sure there are those who'd be able to answer you fully. :)

Anonymous said...


You should be careful here when you are discussing evolution. Its extremely clear from your last post that you do not understand it, as you have difficulty understanding self-sacrifice. Before getting yourself into a nasty little hole, just do some research. There are plenty of reasons why, in nature, an individual may put themselves in danger. Also, besides other factors, evolution has not failed if the individual has been reproductively successful before they gave themselves to the situation.